Curious Mind. Smart Mouth. Questionable Life Choices.
This website is the product of me asking ChatGPT for help on how to create a space that encompasses all the things I’m interested in and would like to write about. Originally, I thought of calling it The Wandering Smartass, which I found both hilarious and fitting. But, ultimately, I decided to steer it in a slightly more professional direction.
So, what can I do for you, you ask? I’m hoping to entertain you with my rapier wit and stunning craftiness. But beyond that, this website is for anyone who shares an interest in personal growth, wellness, and entertainment.
Maybe you’re looking for the best exercises and stretches to relieve back pain? Or perhaps you want to learn how The Matrix can lay the groundwork for a philosophical approach to life? Or maybe you’d like to see what book I’m currently obsessing over and how it can help you navigate the winding, unpredictable path we all walk.
The point is, the foundation of this website is personal growth, wellness, and a general understanding of who we are in this crazy world. The vehicle for that can be anything: music, movies, TV shows, books, etc.
So, do you want to grow as a person? If the answer is “yes,” then you’re in the right place.
Oh, right. What makes me think I’m qualified to give advice on personal growth?
First of all, it’s not my intention to set myself up as some kind of self-help guru. I’m actually not here to help YOU so much as I am here to sort out my own bullshit. I just figure that the windy, rambley way I process my thoughts might offer you some entertainment and/or educational value.
In other words, this is a reciprocal relationship. I write to clarify my thoughts because writing helps me make sense of the world. You get to read those thoughts, and, hopefully, they’ll provide some value to you (entertainment, educational, or otherwise).
Now, for the boring parts: My name is Jamie. I’m an engineer (bridge design) by day, but it’s never been a part of me that I particularly cared for or got excited about (more on that later). I started as an engineer, then became a math teacher. The stress of public schools sent me running back to engineering, and I’ve been doing it ever since. Perhaps I’ll share that story in depth someday. Stay tuned.
I’m also a father to two beautiful, grown-up children who are my world. We have a great relationship, and I’ll probably have a thing or two to say about navigating divorce and being a parent in a shared parenting situation.
Beyond that, there’s not much else to know about me.
A long time ago, I decided that my life purpose was:
To explore, to teach, to be my own voice.
Recently, I tweaked it to:
To explore, to teach, to be my own voice, to connect and find joy.
But I’m a cranky old man, so that part I’m still working on. That pretty much sums up what this place is all about. Congrats if you are still reading this, but I have to ask: what the hell are you still doing here? The post is over.
Go home.

Chugga chickaaaaa!